ABO sample case 1; Case 1
For the sample case 1:
The question states to identify the dental changes that occurred in 22 months of tx (almost 2 years).
This was my answer that I came up with. I was confused by their assessment about L6 and L1.
U6s: moved mesially more than expected; therefore due to tx. The U6 should extruded about 2.4 mm; it looks a bit more than that. I would say that its extrusion was a combination of tx and growth related.
U1s: retroclined due to tx and held vertically due to tx
L6s: Erupted and extruded due to normal growth. We expect it to extrude about 1.8 mm and move mesially about 1 mm.
L1s: I feel like the L1s were held in the AP and extruded less than expected— all treatment related.
I’m confused by their answer: “L6s and L1s were held vertically.”
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