Joti, Interesting question. I’m very curious to hear input from others here.
I would say the “effects” don’t change with mandibular plane angle but perhaps the “side effects” shift from being favorable to unfavorable is there is a radical difference in mandibular plane.
One example – Class II elastics. I see a ton of Class II, deep bite, hypodivergent cases! In that situation I like that one of the side effects of Class II elastics is eruption of the mandibular molars and clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane. It’s HELPING me open the bite and rotate the occlusal plane …. but it’s a side effect that is favorable. Now in the hyperdivergent Class II patient I am wary… I don’t want those lower molars to erupt and increase the mandibular plane!
So all about controlling the good, the bad and the ugly! Knowing the appliances we use!