Prompt 1 questions (Case 6)
In this case I have some questions:
1) When we suspect patient might have airway issues do we necessarily have to include “polysomnogram” as one of the answers to additional records? Because my thought process was to add here as an answer “sleep questionnaire” and from there we would probably refer to an ENT if that is the case and then they would be the ones to order a sleep study.
2) Why CBCT was one of the answers here? Am I missing something? Because I thought that was already presented as part of his records.
3) Whenever we see hypotonic muscles should we always include electromyographic evaluation as part of additional records answers? I have never seen this type of exam in any ortho patient, but maybe is just me LOL , just wondering when to add that as answer for the exam.
4) Could you explain the rationale of serial cephs? Wouldn`t that be overexposing the patient to radiation? Since we are already requesting PA ceph and already have the CBCT to check on vertebra maturation. When answering those type of questions should we have minimal radiation in mind or should we add as many things as we can?
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