My Courses Forums Synapse Orthodontics: Module 6 Random case scenario

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    Chad Carter (Course Director)

    February 20, 2024 at 9:43 pm


    Interesting case and would definitely need more records for a comprehensive diagnosis before treatment plan but here are a few thoughts.

    “Not seeing lower teeth when smiling” could be due to several factors. Most likely at least a combination of Vertical and AP.

    1) Vertical Issue – supraeruption of max incisors, supraeruption of man incisors

    2) AP Issue – retrognathia, protrusive maxilla, retroclined man incisors

    I suspect this patient has a deep curve of spee. I would be looking at the lateral ceph to evaluate AP position and angulation of the man incisors. It also looks to be a bit of mild spacing in maxilla.

    After a complete diagnosis treatment options could include:

    1) Opening the bite through leveling curve of spee (maybe use of anterior bite turbos as well).

    2) Proclination of man incisors if skeletally appropriate (included with leveling curve of spee as well)

    3) Extraction of U4s with max anchorage on the maxilla to retract and upright max incisors.

    Those are just a few ideas without seeing full records but it really depends on a more thorough diagnosis. Does that help?

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    Adedolapo Ayediran

    February 21, 2024 at 9:28 pm

    Thank you Chad. Just wanted to see what your thoughts would be on the case, yes I agree that more information is needed

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