Episode 132: Five Minute Friday – How To Protect Your Practice… NOW!

The Orthopreneurs Podcast

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If you ask many experts, there are definitely economic “storm clouds” gathering on the horizon. Many of us feel them in different ways. Maybe you’re not having a record summer. Maybe you see a lower start %. Maybe there are more  shoppers or your July or August numbers are a bit down year over year. Perhaps this is all worrying about nothing and the storm clouds will pass, but what if they don’t? What is this is the beginning of a genuine shift in different economic spending patters versus the last 14 months since we reopened?If you know me, you know that I am the king of optimism and I am bullish on orthodontics’ future. But in today’s episode of “Five Minute Friday” (it’s a bit longer, so sorry), I talk about 3-5 ways you can protect yourself if the economy does slow down a bit or grow your practice considerably if the economy stays the same or grows. These ideas can only help you in both scenarios and I’d strongly suggest you take a listen. I’m trying to give you an edge.I’d love your suggestions and comments below and more than ever, PLEASE SHARE THIS with a colleague you care about.
