Imagine The Practice Of Your Dreams… Here’s How To Create It | 5-Minute Fridays

Imagine The Practice Of Your Dreams… Here's How To Create It

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Does your vision and mission for your practice align with where you are currently? Are you happy with your practice?

These are questions every orthodontist should ask themselves often.

Nothing is stopping you from having the practice you’ve always wanted. If you’ve been practicing for a while and don’t like what you are in, sell it and start anew.

If you find yourself in the practice you don’t want, the person to blame is standing in the mirror.

If you do not currently have the practice you dream of, how do you PLAN on getting to where you want to be?

Tune in to this 5 Minute Friday Episode for some inspiration on building a more profitable, low-stress practice.

Key Takeaways

  • I am not the cheapest in town (00:32)
  • You can build whatever practice you want (01:53)
  • You gotta begin with the end in mind (03:35)
  • Make it clear where you stand (04:30)

Additional Resources

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